These plugins are free-to-use and also on a paid platform. But this is done extremely rarely, because there are plugins for WordPress that allow you to do this directly from the user interface: ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) and Types and Toolset. However, to do so, you need to have at least a minimum level of PHP proficiency. You can add custom content types, as well as fields programmatically. You can only add a title, description, and feature image. There is no way to add any custom fields out of the box. WordPress’ Post Type Capabilitiesīy default, you only have two content types as mentioned above: Post and Page. This way you get unlimited possibilities to transform your blog into a website with many functions, as well as a set of fields that each type of content will own. For example, for a clinic network site, custom content types might consist of: We need custom post types in order to manage information in a way that is not like other types, and distinguishes them from traditional posts and pages. With custom post types, you can create a content type and customize the fields and appearance, create your own taxonomies, (such as categories and tags), and more. But what if these values don’t quite fit the website you are using? Certainly, you’ll need something else.
These post types have a predefined set of fields: title, body, and description. By default, most CMSs offer static and dynamic content as common content types.